Romanian Chemical Companies Association

Romanian Chemical Companies Association – ROMCHIMICA is a non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in August 2013.

Romanian Chemical Companies Association - ROMCHIMICA

ROMANIAN CHEMICAL COMPANIES ASSOCIATION– ROMCHIMICA is a non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in August 2013.

This step was initiated due to the lack of effective representation of the chemical industry in relation to internal and external dialogue partners, which generated at least dysfunctions in the functional communication flow at the industry level.

ROMCHIMICA was founded with support from The European Chemical Industry Council – CEFIC in response to the pressing need for the Romanian chemical industry to be represented by a voice at national and international level.


ROMANIAN CHEMICAL COMPANIES ASSOCIATION– ROMCHIMICA is a non-profit, non-governmental organization


ROMCHIMICA promotes the scientific, technical, environmental, economic and legal aspects


Analysis and development of enhanced solutions to issues of concern to industry represented

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